Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fallen Timbers

The Battle of Fallen Timbers, also known as one of the last battles of the American Revolution, happened after the Indian Confederacy fell apart.  General "Mad" Anthony Wayne was handpicked by George Washington to oversee the professional army that Wayne dubbed the "Legion".  Wayne asked the Indian leaders at Fort Defiance if they wanted to fight.  Little Turtle (Miami Chief) called for peace with Wayne, but the majority of the tribe wanted to fight.

They expected the battle to happen on August 18, 1794 so the Indians did not eat that day or the next.  By the 20th the Indians were hungry so a majority went to eat.  That day General Wayne decided to attack.  The battle was on land that was just ruined by a tornado and only last 45 minutes, and then the Indians ran to Fort Miamis where the British were for protection.  Wayne knew the British would not shoot at them because they did not want another war with America.  Because of this Wayne went to burning Indian crops 50 miles up and down the Maumee River so they would have to rely on Americans for food.

This led to the Indians approaching Wayne to sign the Treaty of Greeneville.  The signers of the treaty included Blue Jacket and Little Turtle.  Tecumseh was there when the treaty was being written up, but he did not sign the treaty.  This treaty started the official move towards the west, and pushing the Indians away from their homes.

This battle was a significant battle for the US military in that it helped the country gain land.  The site of the Battle of Fallen Timbers and Fort Miamis are important in the case of Ohio becoming part of the United States during its westward expansion.

I think this is important because it shows the relationship of the Americans, the Indians, and the British  after the Revolution.  And how the Indians did not want to give up there land but were forced to because they had no crops and the Americans would not help them until they signed the treaty.

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